About Me

I am self-learned and driven by curiosity and a passion for tinkering, I love taking things apart and tweaking them until they break; then fixing them. With experience in managing and operating businesses, creating and maintaining e-commerce systems, front-end, back-end, and related software development, as well as Cloud DevOps, I am excited to continue my journey in tech and entrepreneurship. Outside of work, you can generally find me reading books or manga, building PCs, baking, cooking, geeking out about cars and motorcycles, working on my personal health, exploring Toronto, and tinkering with gadgets.

If you wish to learn more about me such as my hobbies, interests, history and thought process, here’s a few posts to get started.

I am happy to hear from others and excited at opportunities to learn. If you wish to get in touch, collaborate on projects, or just chat in general please reach out.

Technical Skills Link to heading

Go/Golang, Python, React, Typescript, PHP, HTML, CSS, Relational Databases (SQL), NoSQL Databases, Javascript, Varnish, Redis, Magento 1, Magento 2, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Docker, Kubernetes, Cloud DevOps, Cloud Architecture Design and Implementaion, Serverless Applications and Microservices.

General Skills Link to heading

Business Management, Marketing and Promotions, Financial Management and Planning, Data Analytics and Business Forecasting, Business Development and Scaling, Team Management, Business Leadership, Critical Thinking, Business Scaling.

Certifications Link to heading

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Solutions Architect Associate - Certificate ID: JB2NCQRKV2111NSB

Experience Link to heading

See a detailed breakdown of my experience.

Why the domain drunknsorry.com? Link to heading

On night’s out with good company and drinks, I tend to get cheerful and giggly, but I’m also pretty quick to say sorry – that’s just how it goes. A few years back, after a late night out with friends, I stumbled on the idea to snatch up this domain, and it’s been mine ever since. Figured, why not actually do something with it, right?